January 23, 2014
“Hi friends,
The TO7CC Web page us now available at : http://www.to7cc.com “.88/73
January 13, 2014
F4AJQ Frank informs DxCoffee Readers:
“The team of ‘F6KOP TEAM’ operators has many DXpeditions projects, many of our members take part to or have take part of many DXpeditions organized by great international teams …
Remember HP0 With Vincent, FT5 Michel, S21 with many F6KOP operators (Gabriele,Henri, Michel, Eric, Norbert , Heye) , San Andres with Bernard and Tony etc … After considering various projects and shared with the group, taking into account work at radio club, future DX expeditions of F6KOP friends and our big project of the end of the 2014 year, we decided to go an easy access DXCC country: easily obtaining a licence, place to go with 20-24 operators team. While searching the net, of course taking into account the ideas of each and looking at the ClubLog statistics, we decided to go to the Réunion Island. The Réunion Island you may ask? ! This is not Most Wanted ! Yes, it is true that this IOTA is only on the 122nd DXCC Most Wanted rank, but looking at the ClubLog statistics, the island is highly needed by low band and digital mode DXers. This is why we decided to make a special effort on the low bands and the Digimode. For this we will have 4 full stations probably equipped with Elecraft K3 , K2 and ACOM 1010 amplifier. A Vertical L for 160m and 2-3 beverages. A vertical for 80m and a and four-square on 40 and 30meters, and also a 3 elements Spiderbeam on 30 meters. Other antennas will be 5 and 3 bands Spiderbeams.
There will be a simultaneous SSB, CW and RTTY station.
The fourth station will be a mixed mode station. We will make a special effort on the low bands and hopefully make happy most of you. The TO7CC team consists of 17 experienced operators, 6 nationalities: Norbert/DJ7JC, Heye/DJ9RR, Martin/9V1RM, Karl/OE3JAG, Kenneth/OZ1IKY, François/ON4LO, Jeremy/EI5GM, David/EI9FBB, Jimi/F4DLM, Maurice/F5NQL, Michel/F5EOT, Stephane/F5UOW, Alain/F5JTV, Gilles/F6IRA, Jean/Luc/F1ULQ and Frank/F4AJQ.
The QSL Manager will be our KOPain F1NGP, Yann.
We are currently waiting for our pilots stations.
We hope you will find all the information on our following media pages:
Web site – http://www.to7cc.com Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/TO7CC Twitter – https://twitter.com/@to7cc
The whole team wishes to find you in the pile-up and welcomes you in this new F6KOP TEAM adventure…..
Best 73, F4AJQ Frank, Team leader”
Forwarded by Maurice/F5NQL , one of the TO7CC gang